The dog days are ending.

August and September have passed in a haze of tranquility and comfort. This might be the first time in my life that I have the capacity to appreciate the good thing while I have it. The good thing, right now, is home.

One last sit at my favorite park in Berkeley before my departure. I am really dramatic about goodbyes.

I am really dramatic about goodbyes. But a part of me wonders how most people are so casual about them. You’re telling me that you don’t think holy shit you make my life so much better how am I going to be just as happy without you there all the time every time you leave your friends for a few months?


  • Molly says:


  • Regis says:

    Hey Molly! Just read your post and it really resonated with me. My best friend just moved across the world and all I could think was “holy shit you make my life so much better how am I going to be just as happy without you there all the time” but I know it’s only for a few months so that’s okay. Anyway, this might sound weird but your blog makes me feel a lot closer to her…so thanks! I hope you keep on moving like a shark.🦈

    • Molly says:

      Omg this is so cool I just logged into the blog. Glad someone could resonate! I miss my best friend too. Hope she’s doing well. I also miss Shark.

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